Category: General

Fan selection software and the FEI

In June Computair had the pleasure of holding a webinar, Fan Selection Software and the Fan Energy Index (FEI), hosted by Preston Koh of Asia AMCA in Singapore, and presented by Computair fan selection expert Andy Philpott. The webinar was well-attended by Asia AMCA members. Simultaneous broadcasting in multiple continents can present a myriad of…
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Computair sponsors youth football app

We’re pleased to report that Computair has become a sponsor for an exciting project helping youth football in the Milton Keynes and District Development League. Pitch finder CSP UK is responsible for creating Fixture List Planners for 150 mini, junior and soccer development leagues in both England and Wales. The organisation produces The Pitch Finder…
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Vegas 2022 AHR Expo

The Christmas holidays are rapidly approaching, which also means that the 31st January isn’t so very far away, and we’re hard at work preparing for what will be our first live show for two years, the 2022 AHR Expo in Las Vegas. After last year’s forced cancellation due to Covid-19, it’s fair to say that…
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Computair’s new sponsorship

In ongoing efforts to enhance our role in the wider community, and in addition to our support of Tring Rugby Union FC and Toddington Rovers FC, we are excited to announce our new sponsorship of Cardiff Met Women’s Rugby Club, one of the competitive sports clubs run by the Students Union at Cardiff Metropolitan University.…
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Selecting greener air

The world currently has two big problems on its hands. Quite rightly, Covid-19 has recently taken the focus, but the ever-growing threat of global warming has not diminished and we are still seeing strange weather patterns globally which could be the harbinger of worse things to come. In many cases the solution to global warming…
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UVDI role in eliminating Covid-19

Computair would like to congratulate our partners, California-based UltraViolet Devices, Inc., on a truly ground-breaking achievement in the ongoing global battle against the coronavirus infection. On 11th March, UVDI announced that its V-MAX™ UV-C air disinfection technology was proven to eliminate 99.99% of airborne SARS-CoV-2 – the primary viral strain causing COVID-19 – in moving…
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Remember COBOL, FORTRAN, 6800..?

This isn’t necessarily ‘news,’ rather a quick look back down memory lane for anyone with an interest in programming history. We recently took a straw poll amongst the team to find what hidden programming treasures lay beneath our modern C++, C#, ASP, PHP, VB, Typescript and Javascript exterior. The results were fascinating, as was the…
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Impact of Covid-19 on working practices

Covid-19 has cut a swathe through normal working patterns, requiring great organisation, precision technology and hard work from IT support to enable teams to work from home with as little disruption to customers as possible. What’s interesting is how many of us are joining meetings from home. Where before there might have been 2 or…
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Adobe Flash retirement December 2020

The long-awaited retirement of browser support for Adobe Flash at the end of 2020 is now only a few months away. Many years ago, Flash was a widely-used format for multimedia interactive web content. However, it has long since been rendered redundant by the advances made in web standards, such as HTML5, CSS3 and ECMAScript,…
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Response to Covid-19

Firstly, we hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and well. We’re living in a situation that’s completely without precedent, and so we wanted to touch base and explain how we as a company are working within the parameters of the ‘new normal’. The safety and wellbeing of our employees and customers is…
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