Category: Team

AHR EXPO 2020 Orlando

Just a quick thanks to all the people who came to see us at our stand at the ASHRAE AHR Expo in Orlando this week. It was great to meet you and discuss ‘all things HVAC’. Keep in touch and hopefully we’ll see you at next years show in Chicago, if not before!

Charity fund-raising

Alongside his work for Computair, MD Nigel is part of a ukulele group known as Last of the Summer Ukuleles, or LOTSU for short. The colourful group bring a lot of fun to the different gigs they play in the Bedfordshire area, but more importantly, over the past 5 years they have raised thousands of…
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A Computair birthday

Nigel Taffs with some of the Computair staff based at our Crowbush Farm offices. It was a momentous day yesterday here at Computair, where we celebrated the 65th birthday of our CEO Nigel Taffs. For all those who know Nigel, don’t worry, he isn’t retiring. He will continue to lead us and oversee our new and…
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