Welcome to our new-look website. Computair have been supplying software to the HVAC-R industry for over thirty years and globally we are the leading market supplier. The new website gives you an idea of what we can offer, but it really only scratches the surface of what we do. Take a look and get in…
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Computair have opened up talks with a major US-based coldroom manufacturer to evaluate their IT systems, with a view to updating and replacing the software throughout. Our bespoke software solutions range from modernising legacy processes to building web applications custom-designed to meet your company’s requirements. If you need to optimize your business processes, please get…
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Nigel Taffs with some of the Computair staff based at our Crowbush Farm offices. It was a momentous day yesterday here at Computair, where we celebrated the 65th birthday of our CEO Nigel Taffs. For all those who know Nigel, don’t worry, he isn’t retiring. He will continue to lead us and oversee our new and…
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Just a quick word of thanks to all the people who came to see us at the CR Expo in Shanghai. We hope you had an enjoyable show and look forward to seeing you again in Beijing next year!
Just a quick reminder that the China Refrigeration Expo 2019 starts tomorrow in Shanghai. If you are going & would like to see our software in person, come and see us at W4A29. 2019年中国制冷展将于明天在上海开幕。如果你想亲自去看看我们的软件,请看看W4A29
Just a quick reminder that we’ll be at the CR Expo 2019 in Shanghai in April. If you’re going, why not drop by and see us for a demo?
Just to let you know Computair Consulting has just joined Linked-In.
This week some of our team attended the Data Centre World expo at the Excel in London. It was a good show and great to meet some of our environmental engineering colleagues. Thanks to all those responsible for organising the event.
We will be at the China Refrigeration & Heating (CRH) exhibition in Shanghai April 9th-11th. Our booth number is W4A29. If you are going and would like to meet some of the team, why not stop by and say hello?
Computair launched its new consulting arm today. The purpose is to provide engineering software expertise to companies needing help to streamline their operations with new software, often replacing legacy systems that are nearing the end of their lifetime. If you have a software requirement and would just like to know a little more, why not…
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